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Pickaway Arts


Life Center 

        where you, arts, and life bloom and grow!

A Community of Makers and Learners

Pickaway Arts & Life Center (PAL Center)'s goal is to reach out and connect our community. We offer diverse programming from arts and recreation, to wellness, heritage, and learning.


      We are fun! 

      We are artists and non-artist alike!

      We are for the creative and curious spirit that resides in each one of us!

      We are potentially life-changing!

      We are for everyone!


PAL Center welcomes different perspectives, the desire to share and learn together and from each other, and to be the community gathering place of both purpose and connection.


PAL Center firmly believes that art, creativity, and learning are personal, unifying, and life-enhancing forces.

                 For all these reasons, PAL Center exists for you!

Mission Statement

PAL's mission is to engage, inspire, enrich and enhance lives within our community through the cultural arts and lifelong learning.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to be the most visited comprehensive arts and life center in the United States. 

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© 2019 Pickaway Arts & Life Center

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